Struggling for ideas?
You might not want the full design service and are looking for some focus or a place to start. I do a consultation service that includes a chat to discuss what you want from your garden, what isn't working for you, a review the space and a final report filled with simple ideas on how to make the most out your outdoor space with the resources you have to hand.
You may be happy with the design of your garden already, but would like to update the planting scheme. You might have a tired corner you want revitalising or you want to soften an area by adding some planters. With my planting design service I'll create a beautiful planting design, then source the plants, plant them for you and then leave you with a maintenance plan to look after them.
I'll design a stunning new garden for you from scratch. I'll take your lead and budget to come up with a full design that includes construction drawings, planting plan, tendering out to trusted landscapers, overseeing the project and ongoing consultation to ensure the garden beds in nicely.
For more detail on how I do this see the 'How' page of the site.